Blog Wiki

Table of contents

Howto publish content

Content are located in the content folder.
Articles are located in the article folder and sub folders.
Images are located in the images folder and sub folders.
Simply save your article in the correct folder and voila, it’s published.

Blog posts are separated into sections.

Possible sections are:

Section Tag Example of usage Description
author :author :author The blog author.
title :title :title My title Title of the blog post.
published :published :published 2014-10-05 Publish date of the blog post.
teaser :teaser Teaser text used on the frontpage and on the very top.
ingress :ingress Blog intro. The start of the blog post. Keep it relatively short.
body :body The blog post.
img :img :img photo1.jpg Standard images used in the blog. It depends on the template where they are placed. You may use
aside :aside Boxes with content to go on the right side of the blog post.
images :images :images /path/ Load all images from one of the content categories.
col :col Same as body but separated into 3 different columns.
footnote :footnote Comments that goes into the bottom of the blog post.

If you want more chapters in one blog post you can postfix img with 2-10. Ie. : img2 starts a new chapter. Then you have to use title2, ingress2, body2, col2, etc.

Special tags

Tag name Tag Example of usage Description
toc [:toc] [:toc] Automatic generated table of contents.
fact [:fact file] [:fact about-md] A general fact box. This is usually shared between several blog posts.
menu [:menu] [:menu] List all categories inside the content dir.
artlist [:artlist] [:artlist [category]] List all articles inside the content dir in a plain list format.
artlist_block [:artlist_block ] [:artlist_block [category]] List all articles inside the content dir in a plain list format.
fa-* [:fa-star] [:fa-star] Inserts an icon from font-awesome
[:fa-star 5] Insert 5 stars.

Example blog post

 :title My blog post title
 :teaser Read all about it!
 ## Hello world!
 This is my first blog post.

That’s all there is to it.



If you want to write your content in columns instead of a big body chunk. You can do it like this.

 Content of your first column.

 Content of your second column.

 Content of your third column.



Flot graphs are automatically picked up if you write the graph data wrapped in a code slot like this:

[3 x backticks]flot
    "usa": {
        label: "USA",
        lines: { show: true },
        data: [[1988, 483994], [1989, 479060], [1990, 457648], [1991, 401949], [1992, 424705], [1993, 402375], [1994, 377867], [1995, 357382], [1996, 337946], [1997, 336185], [1998, 328611], [1999, 329421], [2000, 342172], [2001, 344932], [2002, 387303], [2003, 440813], [2004, 480451], [2005, 504638], [2006, 528692]]
    "russia": {
        label: "Russia",
        lines: { show: true },
        data: [[1988, 218000], [1989, 203000], [1990, 171000], [1992, 42500], [1993, 37600], [1994, 36600], [1995, 21700], [1996, 19200], [1997, 21300], [1998, 13600], [1999, 14000], [2000, 19100], [2001, 21300], [2002, 23600], [2003, 25100], [2004, 26100], [2005, 31100], [2006, 34700]]
[3 x backticks]


Links to a Github-gists are automatically expanded into a javascript with the gist content.


Google maps can be implemented with a simple @ followed by coordinates or a text search for the desired place.

A plain map of Halddetoppen in Alta, Norway:

A map based on coordinates:

A satellite map of Halddetoppen:

A place map of Alta:

A streetview map of Halddetoppen:

A map with directions from Oslo to Alta in Norway:


Links to a Spotify tracks are automatically expanded into an iframe with the content.


Spotify URIs are also automatically expanded into an iframe with the content.


Links to a Strava segments are automatically expanded into an iframe with the content.


Links to a Vimeo videos are automatically expanded into an iframe with the content.


Web Sequence texts are automatically expanded into a Web Sequence Diagram.

[3 x backtick]wsd
title Central Identification Service
Browser-> GET /
[3 x backtick]


Links to a Youtube videos are automatically expanded into an iframe with the content.

Markdown is used for writing.

Markdown is intended to be as easy-to-read and easy-to-write as is feasible.

Readability, however, is emphasized above all else. A Markdown-formatted document should be publishable as-is, as plain text, without looking like it’s been marked up with tags or formatting instructions.

Tag Example Result
Headlines # This is H1 See below
## This is H2
Emphasis _italic_ italic
Bold __bold__ bold
Link [Link to an example]( Link to an example
Images ![Image alt text](

Image alt text

Image alt text

Quotes > This is the quoted text See below
Unordered lists - First element See below
- Second element
Ordered lists 1. First element See below
2. Second element
Strike through ~~Mistaken text~~ Mistaken text
Horizontal line ----- or ***** See below
Table See below

Headlines and subheadlines

# This is an H1
## This is an H2
### This is an H3
#### This is an H4

Turns into this:

<h1>This is an H1</h1>
<h2>This is an H2</h2>
<h3>This is an H3</h3>
<h4>This is an H4</h4>

Text formatting

_This is emphasis_
__This is bold emphasis__

Looks like this:
This is emphasis
This is bold emphasis


[Link to an example]( "Title")

Looks like this:
Link to an example



![alt text]( "Logo Title Text 1")

Logo Title Text 1

alt text Logo Title Text 1

Text quotes

> Quotes are  
> written this way

Turns into this:

Quotes are
written this way

Quotes can also contain Markdown elements.

> ### The Fox
> Ching ching ching.
> Pow, pow, pow.

Looks like this:

The Fox

Ching ching ching.
Pow, pow, pow.

Ordered and unordered lists

- Cat
- Dog
- Horse

1. Donkey
2. Squirrel
3. Rat

Turns into this:

  • Cat
  • Dog
  • Horse

And ordered list:

  1. Donkey
  2. Squirrel
  3. Rat


Draw a text table and it becomes a html table.

| First Header  | Second Header |
| ------------- | ------------- |
| Content Cell  | Content Cell  |
| Content Cell  | Content Cell  |

Looks like this:

First Header Second Header
Content Cell Content Cell
Content Cell Content Cell

If you want spesific alignment use colons within the header row on the side you want to align to.

| Left-Aligned  | Center Aligned  | Right Aligned |
| :------------ |:---------------:| -------------:|
| col 3 is      | some wordy text | $1600         |

Looks like this:

Left-Aligned Center Aligned Right Aligned
col 3 is some wordy text $1600

Horizontal line


Turns into the same line like this:

Read more